The eldest member of my tribe has passed into glory, gone to the clearing at the end of the path. So now, a journey must be made. It is time for a tribute and perhaps a reconcilliation. It is time join the mourning, to replace my grudge with my grandfather's hymnal and sing for him hallelujah. His daughters, each a tribute, each a resemblance, will gather their families, their talents and their stories. We will wake him but not awaken him. If atonement must be made, if debts are due upon his arrival in Eternity, let those debts be paid by us, the family he built. It is his characteristic generosity, sense of duty and justice that compels his daughters to be themselves dutiful and just. If debts are due, let them be paid through us or buried with him and forgotten by all. Let his legacy be an atonement for whatever atonement must be made.
I hope to divide my dissonance with him evenly by the miles I will travel to pay my respects to him. I will leave with unrest and return with peace. I will tell the good tales of his life.
But first, a journey. Then rest.
Depart husband, father, brother, soldier, teacher, servant. Depart Grandfather and Great Grandfather.
Goodbye Granddad.
Hold Fast,