Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Getting it underway...

I can't decide which is truly my problem. Have I got no stories to tell or have I been lazy in telling the stories I've got. I'm pretty sure I've got stories to tell. I do. I have them. Why aren't I telling them?
It's got to be laziness right? Distractions? John Lennon said, "Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans." He died before the age of television shows on dvd. The quote, otherwise, may have turned out to say, "Life is what happens when you're watching season 1 of Miami Vice."

Laziness isn't all of it. I think I'm a little afraid of haters, but only a little. If some anonymous jag-off wants to flame my blog, I guess that's fine. I mean, it's always a little hurtful. Kanye's got me willing to admit that we're all a little self-conscience. But what bothers me more than resistance is indifference. If a writer writes and no one reads, has he written anything? I'll be a falling tree in the huge forest of the internet. Not even a blogger - a blah-ger at best.

I'm getting this journal started today. I'll update it when it's time. I'll shake the leaves off and hope someone will pick them up and press them in an old dictionary or a photo album. The leaves will decay but hopefully not before someone, some of you, find one or two you like more than others. The leaves will decay, a tree will fall in the forest.

You listening?


Caulfield's Brother


Unknown said...

You labeled this "enormous thighs"??

steve said...

it is sometimes hard when you sit down to write and it can be depressing when the only thing a visitor can say is negative , but i just look on it as write about what you enjoy, feel or want to get off your chest and sod the rest of the world , and always moderate comments
